Wednesday 30 September 2009


only a few days til SEASON 5 of the hills premieres here. i can summarise pretty much everything we know so far about season five in one word : GNARLY (thanks stephanie plastic pratt). just think about it:

1. LC is gone. Remember Season 4 of the OC? It couldn't survive without Marissa Cooper. I foresee the same fate for the hills.

2. the ultimate rube with money, Kristen Cavallari(or whatever her name is) is going to be 'replacing' LC. fuck that. no one will ever be able to fit LC's sweet shoes. i never liked kristen. she reminds me of the type of girl that works in the greasiest fast food joint imaginable but thinks she's the queen of the fucking world, serving your fries with a free supersized portion of RUDE.

3. Audreamy's hair is lighter. She looks too glamorous. it makes me sick. audrina is no barbie! she's supposed to be the princess of the black rebel motorcycle club. with dark hair.

4. Kristen is annoying

5. Kristen is fucking annoying

6. She should really stay the fuck away from Justin Bobby. Don't be messing with Audreamy's property.

1 comment:

  1. ohmygooooodddddd im watching the new episode and kristin is soooo annoying. and thats the best she can do after going for 'ACTING CLASSES'. bitch please u need to go for extra classes because u suck at acting as URSELF. EYE ROLLING? screaming? CLASSY! how old is she again. dumbbitch.

    im a dumbass to watch it too lol
