Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Is there anything good about October?

No. Even the sun doesn’t want to look it in its face. It hides behind massive clouds of grey, leaving us to shiver in the cold. The rain has also just returned from its summer break and has resumed its mission of tormenting me deeper into misery and frizzing my hair out. October smirks and reminds you constantly that summer is gone and won’t be back for a long, long time.

The next six months will be particularly unkind to me- the weather dictates my mood and boy, do I hate the cold. When winter is at its peak, your face is frozen as soon as you leave home. The face you wear for the rest of the day is that very same face you had on as you stepped out of the airless warmth of electric heating into the unwelcoming, glacial outdoors. Your movement is limited by the umpteen layers you have dressed yourself in, in a vain attempt of trying to outwit the cold. The battle is short and winter wins. And so you stand there, bitter and awkwardly statuesque, wanting to wave your middle finger at this unforgiving weather but you can’t, for you know that even the middle finger loses its impact in winter- wrapped up in a woollen glove, trembling slightly but numb otherwise. Like some sad finger puppet withering into death from its final epileptic fit.

Then, after what seemed to be a pretty long day, you gaze up at the big black canopy that sits where the sky used to be and assume that you’re smack in the dead of the night. No. It is 4 in the evening. So, it’s subzero doom and gloom outside, you’re starving even though you just ate an hour ago, your clothes make you resemble the Michelin man AND your electricity bill is rocketing. Meeting up with friends means braving the cold AGAIN. Plus, hanging out this(that?) time of year is almost always disappointing because everyone is sullen-struck by winter and all anyone ever talks about is how cold it is. So you sit at home all alone, dehydrated from the heating, wallowing in your misery, allowing your morose to grow and all you can actually think of is how much you fucking hate winter.

As usual, this post was another totally pointless complain. Have a nice day.

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